Enjoy this excerpt from the recently published Moonglade! We got a kick at being included in the book, and look forward to hosting the book signing for Mary Fremont Shoenecker on July 22, from 5-8pm! We’ll provide some elegant food, and Mary will be on hand to sign and talk about her book. Don’t miss! This will be a fun evening.

Claire smiled at the man making sandwiches behind the deli counter at the Blue Elephant Cafe and Catering.’I’m glad that you suggested this place,’ Maddy said ‘Its late to have lunch, but that was a delicious meal.”Yeah, Reuben and I are on pretty good terms. I met him when he catered the wedding of one of the nurses from the medical center. Reuben is co-owner of the cafe. I’m surprised you and Patrick haven’t been out here. Its just around the corner from the condo.”You know Patrick. He’s such a traditionalist. He doesn’t stray often from the cafe over on Main. His mom still works there part time, you know.’Well, the Blue Elephant is a good bet for me, especially when I finish a night shift and get here early in the morning. It beats making breakfast.’Don’t you still love to cook?  You’re so good at it, CeCe.”Ayuh, I do, but I’m beginning to rely a little more on places like this. Its not much fun eating alone or cooking for one. These guys have really great stuff with a little more flair and creativity than most of the restaurants. Not that I need fancy, mind you. I’m still watching my weight. She stole a sheepish grin at Maddy, but Maddy just laughed knowingly and nodded her head. ‘Thick and thin we used to call each other, and that hasn’t changed.I brought Tante here a couple of weeks ago. She loved their chowder, and she raved about Pepperell Square, especially the gorgeous flowers out front of the gift shop and the deli. She’s amazed at all the changes taking place on Factory Island.’ “