Portland Museum of Art

   Blue Elephant was excited to cater at the Portland Museum of Art this week! The PMA docent’s holiday party was a great success, and we were happy to be a part of it. Happy Holidays to you all!

A Family for ME

 A Family for ME is Maine’s statewide recruitment initiatiave for foster and adoptive families. Their staff provides help, support, and information. There is a new display at the Blue Elephant of Maine kids that need love, good homes, and good stuff from people...

Christmas at Victoria Mansion Gala

  The Christmas at Victoria Mansion Gala was held on December 4th, and lots of folks turned out to see the holiday decorations done by local designers. Three of the rooms were decorated by businesses in Saco/Biddeford this year. Blue Elephant designed the Green...

Vintner’s Wine Cellar, Portland Maine

    The Blue Elephant catered at a great facility in Portland this week. Vintner’s Wine Cellar, at 1037 Forest Avenue is more than just a fantastic wine shop – they actually make all of the more than 30 available wines on site. Owner Heidi Mahoney has...

Holiday Decorations in Saco

   Thanks to Saco Spirit’s design committee for the new snowflakes and other holiday decorations in downtown Saco. These are a couple of photos of our corner of downtown, in Pepperell Square. We share the building with the Field Mouse Gifts and the Saco Frame...